This article sticks up for America, by arguing that we are not in fact racist. Oprah hinted that Obama has gotten less popular because he is an African American man in office. But in fact, no one had even been thinking this until she happened to point something so absurd out. I know what you are thinking, how could I not take Oprah's side? It is easy actually, she is not always right. She is an amazing person, but she does not have the right to conclude that just because his popularity is down, it is automatically because of his skin color. I am sorry to say Oprah, but you may need to back down on this one.
In this article Mark explains how people are not born racist, and America is not all racist. It is rather, a choice. And Obama just so happens to be a very successful African American in office for the first time, so it is very easy to blame race when something goes wrong. But in this case Obama shows that even after his unpopular movement, the Obama Care Act, he still has a higher rating than the last few WHITE presidents at their lowest points during presidency. So I would have to agree with Mark Joseph here and say, No, Oprah, America isn't racist.
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